Laura Arciniega @lau

Laura Arciniega Roque - Frontend Developer - FullStack Jr - I'm Engineer on TI - Hello World! - more text here to get a long description - bye ✌️

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Hi!, I'm Laura Arciniega Roque 🤙

In this course's project I'm Learning Tailwind CSS. I'm very amazed of saw how this framework works, is so easy to understand and makes more fast the designs of my web pages.

I been Frontend Developer since 4 years ago and I have 6 months being FullStack Jr. I know MySQL but I'm not expert on that, I just used it to consult the data that I want, that is another technology that I want to learn deeper. I don't know what more can I write, I just goint to write some more words to can get a long text in the section "About me"

Here is more text. In another ocassion I will use text from Lorem Impsum, It would be less tired, because I want to write on english but I'm not goot on that and it cost me just a little to translate the spanish paragraph that is on mi mind to this english paragraph. By the way, I'm using Unsplash API to make this page. Well I think is done, bye. ✌️

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